Dave Caolo

Follow @dave_caolo on Micro.blog.

: Browse YouTube like it’s TV channels​, complete with the clicker. Fantastic nostalgia. [Via …

: 50 crappy paintings You make a painting that’s pretty nice. Then you make fifty crappy paintings as you iterate on …

: Elon Musk's ignorance is dangerous Elon Musk doesn’t understand the paradox of tolerance, which is frustrating and dangerous. …

: Friday wrap-up #2 Wins I’ve been painting again and that always feels like a huge win. Earlier this week my son …

: Friday wrap-up #1 Here’s what happened this week. Wins I’ve made nearly a dozen 4" x 5" …

: Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. I admit I don’t know …

: NYC's The Drawing Room is the offline third space I need This has blown me away. The Drawing Room is a third place in NYC that invites people to kick off …

: Is it a book? Every page of this book is a slice of American Cheese. [Via Swiss Miss] PS – …

: Bye, Felicia.

: I’ll never achieve this level of chill.

: The weird thing about Saturdays. Some of you know that work two jobs, and that Saturday is my only day off. As such, I feel this …

: Here’s something cool. Taylor has used the same guitarist since 2007, both in the studio and on …

: It’s an MF DOOM kind of day.

: I’m a newbie and need peeps to follow. Recommendations welcome.

: I’ve restarted this several times. A local gallery has a call for art with the theme of “white.” I …

: I think I’m entering my “bright vibrant colors phase,” and I’m excited about …

: Light Phone III. I’ve been looking at this “essentials-only” phone for years. This …

: Hello, world.